Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Asia announced last Wednesday, April 1 that the English and Traditional Chinese localized version of PlayStation®4software FINAL FANTASY® X/X-2 HD
Remaster will be released in Asia region on Tuesday, May 12, 2015, while the Japanese version will be released on Thursday, May 14, 2015 at a price of PHP2,299 for the English and Traditional Chinese, and PHP2,499 for the Japanese version.
Pre-orders will start from 17th April, 2015 (Friday) at PlayStation® Authorised Dealers. Customers who pre-order can receive a limited Steelbook™ while stocks last. Pre-orders will end on 3rd May, 2015.
In order to deliver this beautiful masterpiece to Asian customers in their languages, “FINAL FANTASY® X/X-2 HD Remaster” is translated by Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Asia Localization Center with the remarkable support of SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD..
■<New Feature> Switch between FINAL FANTASY X Original and Arranged Soundtrack
On the request of many fans that wish to play FINAL FANTASY X with the original soundtrack, thePlayStation®4 version comes with the ability to switch between original and arranged soundtrack. Users can select this option at the start or during the game, and hopefully, the original classic tracks will help bring back fond memories.
■Supports PS4™ & PS3™ & PS Vita Cross-Save Functionality
Players can upload their saved data to PlayStation™ Network and continue their progress with theCross-Save function across the PlayStation®4, PlayStation®3 and PlayStation®Vita system (Buy each version separately to play on different systems). PS3™ and PS Vita saves can be directly transferred onto the PS4™ version.
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